Saturday, July 14, 2018


I’m a born Democrat. My mother never voted Republican.

As a teen I never paid much attention to politics, I was more focused on reading comics, watching science fiction shows, and schooling. In my young adult life my faith became focal. Though I was the furthest from saintly, I was still a staunch Christian just trying to find my way.

Resulting from long working hours, non-stop partying, and binge runs with alcohol and drugs, I decided to join the military. This decision led me to recognize the effect politics and associated national leadership has on our nation and my life in the military.

I supported Bill Clinton. I recognized his economic brilliance and I took personal advantage of his leadership in during our economic recovery in the mid-1990s, purchasing a home and making a few sound investments.

During Bill Clinton’s eight years in office, terrorist enemies of the U.S. waged a virtually unimpeded offensive against the United States. On Clinton’s watch, terrorists launched a string of escalating attacks, each one bolder than the last: the first attack on the World Trade Center in 1993; the attack on Khobar Towers in Saudi Arabia three years later; the 1998 bombings of U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania; and the 2000 attack on the USS Cole. This last attack hit close to home with me since I knew several Sailors aboard this great American ship.

Each of these attacks was carried out with no effective U.S. response. Clinton employed a combination of law enforcement and symbolic, pinprick cruise-missile strikes — firing, in the words of President George W. Bush, “a $2 million missile at a $10 empty tent to hit a camel in the butt.”

I was done, and I was finished with this lack of spine, all talk no action approach to governance. I walked away.

G.W. got my vote. Twice.

In 2008, I voted for candidate Obama. In hindsight, it was a mistake. End of story.

I never paid much attention to the national vote, but I did during the second-term election of GW, and again during the election of Trump.

The counties encompassing big metropolises like Seattle, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Detroit, Minneapolis, Milwaukee, Chicago, New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Charlotte and Atlanta, are less than 4 percent of the land mass, but 62 percent of the population and easily 99 percent of the popular culture. From these areas radiate our movies, shows, songs, and news. These cities are all blue states otherwise known as democrat elite states. Thank God for the Electoral College!!!

I do not know who penned the phrase first, but I will write it again and end my post on this note - The election of Trump is "a brick chucked through the window of the elites. Are you assholes listening now?" #WALKAWAY

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