Saturday, March 25, 2017

Debating the Truth is Futile

Adopted from a conversation with Allen Sloan

My mother’s generation was not prepared for what we are all going through but they are most certainly at fault. Yes without a doubt the truth is, my parents’ generation is responsible for all this mess. The Great Generation gave birth to what Peter Jennings once called the selfish generation. He called them that because they were the first generation to be "molly coddled. Due to the hardships of the Great Depression and WWII, parents felt bad for their kids and spoiled them a bit in an effort to protect them from those bad times. Being the first spoiled generation, and not just by guilt ridden parents, but by all the modern inventions that were making life easier, they were just a bit... selfish.

Today it's happening on another and ever increasing level of convinience - modern tech has given birth to the rampent believers of nonsense. Without any research many are gullible and believe anything that comes across their smart phone’s screen, without a care to check reliability of information.

My parents were the American Dream generation. They were the keep up with the Joneses generation. They were the max out the credit cards and live beyond your means generation. They were the beginning of the Baby Boom. These people were more about their own immediate self gratification. This was the generation that just allowed things to happen and didn't really care as long as it didn't interfere with the good times. It continues today.

They allowed JFK and MLK to be murdered and accepted shoddy investigationS and ignored all the irregularities in the cases. They allowed Vietnam. The first war fought for corporations. They allowed prayer to be taken out of school. The demonization of the Christianity and Catholic Church. And a load of other things that have contributed to the damage done to this nation.

At any rate, my generation has seen the before and after pictures. I still watch in aw! We see where this nation is heading. And we are the ones putting this right. Because we see some very damaged people behind us. And they've been damaged to the point that they cannot be trusted with the future of this nation - republicans and democrats alike!!!

Our young males seem very much dumbed down mentally as well as physically. And frankly, many aren't very masculine, which is scary. Our generation needs to live long enough to see the fruits of Trump's labor before we can die. lol. In other words, we've got to fix the schools and the family unit and start producing some kids that can take over one day bypassing this brainwashed bunch altogether. Otherwise they'd give all their tights away in the mane of some politically correct nonsense. Bet!

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