Wednesday, July 27, 2016


Today and yesterday I was emailing back and forth with a relative of mine and I was inspired to write down four attitudes that help turn negative experiences into positives.

1. Appreciate that it could have been worse.
However bad a circumstance seems and feels, it could always be worse. It may seem unnatural and perhaps silly to think of hypothetical situations when you have a real problem at hand; but thinking of all the ways the situation could have been worse makes it so much easier to accept and deal with it.

2. Trust that everything happens for a reason.
Whether good or bad, there’s a reason behind everything. Realize that if a door closed, it’s because what was behind it wasn’t meant for you. The world is so unpredictable. Things happen suddenly, unexpectedly. We want to feel we are in control of our own existence. In some ways we are, in some ways we're not. We are ruled by the forces of chance and coincidence.

3. Have faith in blessings in disguise.
Whatever the struggle was, whether a loss or painful discomfort, it may have saved you from something worse, or brought you closer to something better. Even if neither of these are true, then at the very least, it made you a stronger person and taught you something. And that is always a good thing.

4. Share your experience with the people around you.
One of my deepest beliefs is that if you do happen to find out how a particular problem gifted you with a blessing, share it with everyone you know so they can benefit too. The more we openly recognize how we’re fortunate, the happier and more content we all will be.

I challenge anyone reading this blog post to change how you think about inconveniences, missed opportunities, and problems, because oftentimes, it is for the best; we might just not know it.

Also… I am a realist, I understand that positive thinking and behavior is not possible for some. That is okay. I will add that if you are a person that does not have positive influences in your life I would share this piece of experience with you:

Find some! Change up your flow, rotate your friends and acquaintances and start to move forward of other people instead of staying stagnant at the same pace or direction. Don’t sweat static talk from negative influences and those who don’t share your aspirations for success.

Thanks for reading, thanks for visiting.
Copyright © 2016 by Palmer Pinckney II