Tuesday, June 30, 2015


All this talk of “My Jesus is better than your Jesus” is totally silly to me. Oh dear, I’m certain that I just offended someone.  Oh well.

Anyhow, I love my faith and I’m never ashamed or fearful to share it. However I am aware that many of us are from different backgrounds. We are raised up to believe in different faiths. We are intrinsically motivated differently. With this always in mind here’s how I start off all my conversations about faith:

"Before we get started I want to preface our conversation with this statement. Please understand that I am very happy to discuss faith with you. I enter into our conversation with no agenda. I am not here to convert you to my belief nor am I here to be converted to yours. Truly what I want is for both of us to openly share our beliefs. Doing this will allow us to find middle ground and on this ground together you and I will certainly find unconditional friendship."

I have done this for years, with people from darn near every conceivable faith. As a result I have forged incredible relationships with a very diverse group of people. Though our faiths often do not agree we each discovered mutual respect for one another, regardless of beliefs.

On a few occasions I have encountered the stubborn, rude and inconsiderate person. You know the ones that are determined to make everyone believe the way they do. These folks are best left as found. Only prayer for them, and away from them has any hope of allowing them to be open-minded to the fullness of creation.

Peace be with you.

"Thanks for reading, thanks for visiting."

Copyright © 2015 by Palmer Pinckney II  

Tuesday, June 23, 2015


Yesterday my son and I watched the movie Dope and the dialog in the film was laden with nigger, nigger, nigger. Today my son asked me about the word Nigger. Of course now that the media has jumped on top of the president's recent use of the word I am elated at the opportunity to discuss it with Logan.
He asked me my thoughts, I explained that this particular word will never despite any attempts, be a term of endearment. It will always be a word that shouts belittlement and suppression of self-worth. Simply, I explained, think of it this way, if a teacher ask you to write down a word that best describes you, what would you write? If you are sitting in a final interview before an investment committee that is considering financing your business with a $1 million cash investment and they ask you to describe in one word who you are? Would you respond "nigger?" I think not. Then I asked him, why belittle yourself amongst your friends and associates?
He looked at me and listened attentively as I concluded by saying, deep down inside us all, our very existence, our heart, our soul, calls us to know that we are so much better than this word.
Thanks for reading, thanks for visiting.

© Palmer Pinckney II