Saturday, January 24, 2015

Barrack Hussain Obama, U.S. President, U.S. Armed Forces commander-in-chief. Yup that's him. He inherited a war and a wrecked economy. Now, six years later we’re doing better despite political differences. One thing that hasn't improved are the complainers. They complained about Reagan, complained about Bush, Clinton, Bush and now Obama. Always complaining. Why? Most likely because they can, it's the American way. When in doubt bitch about it! Honestly I don't complain, instead I vote. When my candidate wins I'm happy. If he or she does not win, I'm still American. As an American I support my political representatives regardless of affiliation. I write letters and emails, volunteer with political organizations and get involved with the process. Perhaps bitching is also a method of involvement. Just thought of that. No matter, I guess I'm just a realist, if I see the stock market above 17,000, fuel prices less than $2.50 a gallon, and a 5.6 percent national unemployment rate, the lowest it has been since June 2008, I say to myself, “Cool.” Now if matters were different, say worse, I'd have to say not cool. Indeed I know there's plenty flawed in our country, public schools, health care, the poor, and of course politics to name a few. We’re always gonna have issues, we're America, it’s how we roll.  Complaining and bitching are some folks way of coping with issues. Action and praying are mine. We the people are the solution to all our issues. I've traveled the world, and one great fact I've come to realize is that everywhere I've gone the locals wish to come here to America. So in closing try not to blame the president for our issues. He's just one peg of many stuck on a part of the map the world calls the United States of America. As with past presidents he's doing as best he can in the position. Not to bad for a black peg. Ha!