Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Guilt or...

I was doing that thing I do oh so often (THINKING) the other night and I asked myself what you have to do and what does it mean to be filled with the Holy Spirit. I thought deeply on the questions and of course the "Repent of your sins! Fire and brimstone!" thoughts pressed on my mind. I knew this was not the right answer so I crushed those thoughts and simply said to myself asked the Lord for forgiveness, and ask to be filled with the Holy Spirit. Funny how the simple answers are always the right course of action. I continued to ponder - once (filled with the Holy Spirit) you will feel conviction when you have done something wrong because the Holy spirit within you will grieve. Hmmm… how do I understand and recognize conviction from guilt?

Once on the “right” path, the proper question is not how much of the Spirit is in us, but rather how much of me is in the Spirit. In scripture Paul said that the Holy Spirit is sealed within us at the moment of belief (Ephesians 1:13-14), but in Ephesians 4:23 he said we’re to put off our old selves and be made new in the attitude of our minds. I would surmise this means we no longer run our life by ourselves but let the Holy Spirit guides us to act in ways that are pleasing to the Father. You see I’m a listener, this is how I learn. So when I listen His voice and His guidance (my conscience) will answer my questions, solve my concerns and squelch all quarrels. Galatians 5:22-23 lists some of the behavior the Spirit will guide us towards. As I continue to learn to follow His advice, the Holy Spirit will empower me to use the special gifts He’s grants to us all.

All to often I have noted when talking with friends and associates many are tempted to ignore the Holy Spirit’s advice. When we do this it grieves the Father as it does any parent. The great fact is this - Ignoring the Holy Spirit means following Satan. Agnoring results in this being the only alternative we have. Afterwards we’ll feel guilty. You see my THINKING has concluded that “Conviction” comes from the Holy Spirit, who wants us to be reconciled with God. Guilt comes from Satan who wants us to be estranged from the Father. Normally a person experiencing conviction will be drawn toward the Lord to receive His forgiveness through the sacrament of Reconciliation, like Peter did after denying Him. A person feeling guilt will hide from Him in shame, like Adam did in the Garden. So the difference between conviction and guilt can be seen in the direction we’re facing. If we’re looking towards the cross, it’s conviction. If we’re running away and hiding, it’s guilt. Period! End of discussion.

Peter confessed and was restored. Adam blamed God and bore the earthly consequences of his sin. As believers we have the authority to reject Satan’s attempts to make us feel guilty and confess our sin to the Lord. When we do He will take away our guilt and restore us.

Peace be with you All.

Thanks for reading, thanks for visiting.

© Palmer Pinckney II

Friday, February 1, 2013

Nysa Terrian

I had the honor of visiting Detroit, Michigan during holidays of 2012. It was both exciting and saddening, thrilling and depressing.  This magnificent city with it's rich and vibrant history; a story so-so American that America would not be what she is today without the Detroit narrative. This city will rise from the ash and when she does we will celebrate again the riches she has given us and continues to provide today and forever.  The Motown sound has changed but the heart of the city is the same. She will educate us and love us whether we listen or not.   
Ladies and Gentlemen a young man from Detroit City -

Nysa Terrian