Thursday, August 13, 2009

24 to go (What if?)

Palmer Pinckney II
How do I wanna die?
-I don’t care. Really I don't.

What's my last meal?
-Pasta, of course.

My death bed confessions?
-Should have been more considerate of wife’s feelings

Who did I always want to sleep with?
-Phoebe Cates (Fast Times at Ridgemont High)

Wildest thing I ever did?
-When I was twenty something I stole all the company money in the safe, ‘bout $25K; partied all weekend long, quit on Monday morning denying all accusations. Walked away clean. I hated that job.

What book do I regret not finishing?
-The Titan: Fred Mustard Stewart

Something about me no one ever know before reading this?
-Growing up, Shirley Temple movies were my favorite.

Any near-death experiences?

If I had to die trying something, what would it be?
-I don’t know, if I did know I’d be dead.

Do I believe in heaven? If so, where do Pimps and Players go?
-Yes I do believe in heaven. As for Pimps and Players, well Purgatory is probably an interesting place.

What classic movie roll would I like to play in?
-Sean Connery – the original James Bond!

If I could come back from the dead who would I like to spy on?
-I’d have more important things to tend to. Wouldn’t waste my time with spying.

What will people say over your casket?
-A lot of people misunderstood him.

If reincarnated how do I want to come back?
-As me of course. A do-over would be so cool.

Thanks for reading, thanks for visiting!"

Copyright © 2010 by Palmer Pinckney II